Tuesday, April 23, 6:00 pm*

***********NEW LOCATION!!!!***********

232 Linebrook Rd, Ipswich MA

- *Advanced registration required - Space is limited - registration and payment will reserve your spot in class -

Contact Rolanda Dane at 978-500-3409 for more information

Puppy I: 5 weeks, $100

Puppy II: 4 weeks, $80

$20 discount if you pay for both Puppy I & II

OCDT does not offer refunds for our Puppy five week sessions

OCDT does offer one make-up class per session. If you miss more than one class, OCDT will invite you to join the next Puppy session to complete your training.

WHAT TO BRING: Please come to class with a flat collar, 6 foot leash, cheese sticks or soft treats, treat pouch, small toy you can put in your pocket. Limit dinner before class.

AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Program

The AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy is an exciting program designed to get dog owners and their puppies off to a good start by taking the time to take their puppies through a basic training class. Completing Old Colony Obedience Club puppy training classes will teach you and your puppy practical skills and prepare you to be evaluated as an AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy. Together we will help establish both healthy puppy and owner behaviors and will set you and your puppy on the path to becoming an AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC)!

Examples of some of the skills you and your dog will learn and practice at Puppy Class:

Elizabeth and 5 month old True demonstrate excellent heeling.

Mark and August demonstrate a sit-stay with return to heel.

Tracy and Winnie demonstrate recall.

Betty, Bob, and Serenity demonstrate a full body exam.


For general questions, contact Beth Perron at (978)-356-4131 or

  • For questions on puppy and manners classes, contact Rolanda Dane at (978) 500-3409 or